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Savedata + Texture For Chelito V6 Update Transfers 2018-2019

 Again the admin will share the texture for you Savedata + Texture for Chelito v6 Update Transfers 2018-2019

 Savedata + Texture for Chelito v6 Update Transfers 2018-2019 - Hello, all. Again the admin will share the texture for you. This time texture for PES Chelito v6, for those of you who have Chelito v6, try using this texture.

 Savedata and this texture is made by Android Legendary. In this mod there have been transfers, updates kits and more. The background view looks cool and different from other textures.

 There aren't many descriptions about this savedata + texture, so just try it right away because the size is only about 164 Mb. Enjoy.

Genre : Texture 
Size : 164 Mb
Moder : Android Legendary

 Again the admin will share the texture for you Savedata + Texture for Chelito v6 Update Transfers 2018-2019

 Again the admin will share the texture for you Savedata + Texture for Chelito v6 Update Transfers 2018-2019

How to Install Texture

 Before you start the installation step, one thing you have to prepare and thirst for you has, namely the extract application. There are lots of extract applications for Android, one of the best is ZArchiver. The application is very friendly and how to use it is easy. I used to use this.

1. Download the required file first
2. Extract the file using ZArchiver
3. Move SAVEDATA to PSP Folder -> SAVEDATA
4. Move the TEXTURE to the PSP Folder -> TEXTURE
5. Open the PPSSPP Mod texture app, open the PES
6. The game is ready to play

>> Download Savedata + Texture Chelito v6 By Android Legendary <<

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